Afternoon of Day 2:
The corner was the last part of the wall to be built.
It looked like we were going to have a half-load to a load leftover, but the corner used up quite a bit of this pile. We also placed some rock on the edge of the turnaround to prevent anyone from driving over the septic tank anymore as well to create a garden.
After Day 3:
The third day was needed to finish the main retaining wall, build the secondary wall, and regrade the side lawn and back hill.
There were several boulders left over, so we ended up with a second retaining wall which is helping level out our side yard.
My future vegetable garden.
The last part of the project is installing the catch basin, trenching a pipe from the downspout at the corner of the house to the basin, and then spreading gravel on the driveway and turnaround.
Completion pictures to come later this week in Part IV. See you then!